Monday, September 21, 2015

whole30, part II

I decided to try and do another whole30-ish starting today. I will be traveling this weekend and have a string of social events/parties coming up almost every weekend but I feel more confident about navigating through these situations and eating as best as I can. My goal is to eat whole30/Paleo as much as I can. But I am also going to enjoy my trip this weekend and may have a few drinks and sugar. Perhaps legumes/tofu. But I will try to avoid dairy and wheat.

My re-introduction phase went well for the most part until this weekend. On Saturday, I went out for a friend's birthday and there were drinks (at least mine was gluten free), and I enjoyed ice cream and wheat, by way of a freshly made popover. I couldn't pass that up! My sugar dragon has been out of control.

Yesterday I also had a hard apple cider and while that made me feel good for an hour, hours after that, I was feeling bloated and emotional. Yuck. And then today I felt like I woke up on the wrong side of everything. It was awful. I felt awful. So I am glad to make healthier choices this week.

I also made my own ghee for the first time. AMAZING.

Sunday, September 13, 2015


Day 40 (Sept. 11) - Beans. I soaked garbanzo beans for more than 24 hours and cooked them with a strip of kombu. I cooked them for almost 2 hours and they weren't as soft as I thought they would be. I think I felt ok after eating them but I may limit them.

This past weekend, I had a good amount of sugar, but ate mostly whole30/compliant. I have enjoyed eating at Whole Foods from their prepared foods section the past two weekends. I also enjoyed alcohol (gluten free!) this whole weekend. I did notice though that alcohol does make me look for more food to eat, and it's hard for me to eat in moderation while I'm drinking. Which doesn't make for a happy body the next day.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


I made chana dahl today after soaking the lentils for almost 24 hours. No reaction, yay!

Yesterday though I did have a good amount of sugar by way of "natural" soda (I only had a few sips, it was WAY too sweet) and these amazing vegan raw chocolate chip cookies with coconut creme filling by Peace Pies. It doesn't get any more delicious than that. I indulged and ate two. I know they are made with a ton of nuts and coconut, and probably agave nectar. But they were amazing. And so worth the splurge!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Day 34 (wine!) and Day 35

Yesterday was a good whole30 day. I took my daughter to a birthday party and brought my own food because I knew there would be pizza. I wasn't even tempted to eat non-compliant foods because I knew it wouldn't make me feel good anyway. It was also easier because I wasn't sitting anywhere near the food, which made it less tempting.

I also had a good mostly whole30 compliant today. I had some sausages that had evaporated cane syrup, but I'm ok with that. Oh and I also had some organic wine last night and that was ok too. There were no sulfites!

The other day I ran 4 miles outside. The weather is finally cooling down in the evening!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Day 32 and 33 and reintro with dates


Ate mostly whole30 except for:
1. a little bit of honey in the almond "blanket" of the pig in a blanket I made for my daughter's bday party
2. a small taste of soy ice cream (soy, sugar). OMG I just realized it was soy! Oh well. That wasn't in my intro plan to try until much later but that's ok. And it was so sweet! And not even that tasty!
3. all sorts of snacking at the bday party! and snacking after too...

I was very tempted to have some almond butter in the afternoon. But I didn't!!!

Mostly whole30 except:
1. Ate at Pieology, ordered the full chicken salad (who knows what was in the chicken, it looked plain grilled, but you never know), but did not eat it with cheese or dried cranberries. The dressing tasted sweet, as did the candied walnuts, but other than that. The salad was not filling.
2. I ate a lot of dates and Brazil nuts when I got home from lunch.

My stomach wasn't feeling to great after all the dates/nuts. I realize I have managed to overindulge every day since whole30 ended =(


Sept 2 - Day 31. sugar (going to start with the natural stuff like honey...  maybe some plain egg/banana pancakes with a bit of honey. my body doesn't totally like sweet in the morning so I will probably add something savory on the side like greens and a sausage patty)

Sept 5 - Day 34. alcohol (probably wine)

Sept 8 - Day 37. lentils (I'm going to try and soak these and make chana dahl)

Sept 11 - Day 40. beans (going to soak for at least 24 hrs and cook with kombu, then add to my green salad)

Sept 14 - Day 43. soy/tofu (will probably just eat this as a protein on the side)

Sept 17 - Day 46. corn (NOT fried chips, but maybe a corn tortilla with eggs in the morning and steamed corn on the cob)

Sept 20 - Day 49. gf grains (brown rice, buckwheat, gluten-free oats... will probably try a bowl of overnight soaked gluten free oats in the morning)

Sept 23 - Day 52. dairy (sheep/goat - a slice of goat cheese and maybe some goat/sheep yogurt)

Sept 27 - Day 55. gluten grains (maybe homemade spelt bread)

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Day 31 - Sugar

M1: pork sausage, sauteed chard, almond flour pancakes with maple syrup, grapefruit

M2: broccoli, carrots, zucchini noodles, tomato sauce, almond flour honey cake

M2.5: more almond flour honey cake, theo chocolate, pineapple, dried coconut, cashews

M3: salad with sesame ginger dressing (had honey), cucumber

What a learning experience today was. I felt complete out of it and had massive brain fog after eating all that cake. And it was sweetened with honey! So yeah, even natural sugars affect me.
Even after trying a small amount of maple syrup this morning (about a tsp), I felt it was so sweet that I had to eat a piece of avocado right after it.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Day 30 - The End?

M1: pork sausage patty, greens, egg, apple
M2: salad with cucumber, grape tomatoes, avocado, goddess dressing, pumpkin seeds, plantains, pulled pork, hot sauce
M3: roasted vegetables, turkey, sauteed chard

Today I realized I'm not a huge fan of sauteed chard. I prefer sauteed kale or spinach. I also can't believe I am done with whole30, and even though it's on my plan to try sugar/sweetener tomorrow, I am surprisingly not that thrilled about it. So that is weird, because I've always been a dessert person.
I also did not work out today. I forgot to take Natural Calm last night and slept ok. I also forgot to take it today, so I hope I get decent sleep tonight.

I am actually a little sad about being done with whole30. I loved the FB group I was part of... they were so supportive! But I am looking forward to Paleo-fying all sorts of stuff. And not being so strict about having a little bit of sweetener in sauces and dips.

Now onto the re-intro!

Monday, August 31, 2015

Day 29

M1: egg, pork sausage patty, sauteed greens, apple
M2: kale salad, plaintains, chicken
M2.5: almond butter, walnuts, cashews
M3: sweet potato, green beans, chicken

Tomorrow is my last day on whole30. It feels very... anticlimactic. I thought I would be super excited about no longer being on this program, but I have actually enjoyed eating this way and changing the way I feel about food. Although, I will admit that today and the past few days, I feel like I have gone a little overboard on almond butter. I even googled it today and sure enough, it's a real thing... almond butter addiction. I could eat a whole jar in one sitting. I haven't. Ok, I've eaten almost half once. Maybe a few times. Pre-whole30. So I've decided, starting tomorrow. I am no longer eating almond butter and nuts on its own. Or maybe I should just not eat it at all for a week or two. I do love it with sweet potato though. Ok no. No more almond butter, unless it's in a recipe. I'm going to give myself two weeks.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Day 28 Potluck!

M1: egg, sauteed greens, pork sausage patty, blueberries
M2: kale salad with creamy cashew dressing, apple, pineapple, carrots, cucumber, plantains, chicken, pistachios
M2.5: almond butter, pecans, cashews, almonds
M3: beef stew, sauteed chard

This morning was already hot and I wanted to get an early work out in before this potluck we were going to for lunch. I was all hyped about biking to the gym and swimming. On my way there, I thought, I think I forgot something. Sure enough, I get to the gym and can't find my bathing suit. So I just lifted weights instead. So it wasn't a total loss. I think tomorrow I will try step class for my cardio.

As you can see, I ate a lot of different things for M2 since we were at the potluck. It was a generally healthy potluck, which I was super thankful for. But I did bring kale salad and plantains to share. And my own stash of chicken, haha. I knew I'd need the protein. But it felt good to eat well with others.

I did a lot of cooking and baking today for my daughter's upcoming birthday party. It felt good to cook in my kitchen and my daughter also helped too. We made a rainbow bundt cake and I am excited to see how the colors turn out. We used natural dye by Color Garden, and while they weren't as vibrant as the real stuff, we still had fun mixing the colors and the batter.

Yesterday I took Natural Calm a few hours before sleeping. And I finally slept SO GOOD. I just took it again tonight so I'm hoping for repeat stellar sleep.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Day 27

M1: sweet potato, green beans, bacon, tangerine, almonds, cashews, almond butter

M2: lamb, potato, greens, mango, cantaloupe, grapes, pineapple

M3: salad with cucumber, grape tomatoes, goddess dressing, sweet potato

We went to a birthday party today and there was all sorts of food I would've eaten had I not been on whole30, but I did well with bringing my food and then eating fruit and I also drank Izze sodas, which I have never tasted before. They were so good! I think I drank almost 2 cans. I saw online that they recommended against Izze sodas, but if they can recommend mocktails, then I sure as hell am going to drink Izze sodas. Because to me, that is a mocktail since I never drink soda anyway.

I almost wanted to eat more almond butter after dinner. But I was feeling full and thought to myself, what's the point... this is probably a craving. And sure enough it went away. That was mildly uncomfortable for 30 seconds, and then it was gone. Thank you, whole30!

Friday, August 28, 2015

Day 26 - Updated Re-Intro

M1: bacon, eggs, roasted vegetables, blueberries
M2: salad with cucumber, tomatoes, avocado, salmon, cauliflower-mash, plantains
M3: banana, Native Foods (avocado salad, lemon-dill potato salad), walnuts, almonds, cashews, blueberries

Today was the first time I had eaten at a restaurant since I started whole30! That wasn't too bad. It was a little annoying asking about what was in their food, but I think they are used to it because they had a binder with everything, which made me feel less guilty about asking. The most difficult part was watching my daughter enjoy the Oatmeal Creme cookie (one of my fave desserts there), while I munched on walnuts I had just bought at Trader Joe's. At least I had something to munch on. And for the record, they were tasty walnuts. 

Today I realized how awesome it is to throw my meals together when things are already cooked. I had to pack food for tomorrow and I remembered I had some whole30 meals in the freezer, and also some cooked vegetables. Go, me!

Here is my updated reintro plan:
Day 31. sugar (going to start with the natural stuff like honey...  maybe some plain egg/banana pancakes with a bit of honey. my body doesn't totally like sweet in the morning so I will probably add something savory on the side like greens and a sausage patty)

Day 34. alcohol (probably wine)
Day 37. lentils (I'm going to try and soak these and make chana dahl)
Day 40. beans (going to soak for at least 24 hrs and cook with kombu, then add to my green salad)
Day 43. soy/tofu (will probably just eat this as a protein on the side)
Day 46. corn (NOT fried chips, but maybe a corn tortilla with eggs in the morning and steamed corn on the cob)
Day 49. gf grains (brown rice, buckwheat, gluten-free oats... will probably try a bowl of overnight soaked gluten free oats in the morning)
Day 52. dairy (sheep/goat - a slice of goat cheese and maybe some goat/sheep yogurt)
Day 55. gluten grains (maybe homemade spelt bread)

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Day 25

M1: eggs, bacon, sauteed greens, blueberries
M2: sweet potato, kale, chicken sausage, apple
M2.5: almond butter, Brazil nuts, blueberries
M3: salad with cucumber, grape tomatoes, avocado, goddess dressing, beef stew

I ran and lifted a little at the gym. I don't feel as strong as I was a few weeks ago. But this heat is not helping either. And the lack of sleep. But I am still enjoying whole30. I really am.

Today I was thinking about my reintro plan and eating something with honey on Day 31. And I couldn't think of anything that I could eat honey with that doesn't contain grains or isn't a Paleo-fied dessert. Maybe honey on its own? Or in tea? Yeah, that isn't very fun.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Day 24 - My Reintro Plan

M1: eggs, sauteed greens, potatoes, pork sausage patty
M2: salad with cucumber, avocado, goddess dressing, chicken curry and greens, blueberries, almond butter, coconut flakes, almond slices, Brazil nuts
M3: salmon, cauli-broccoli mash, roasted vegetables, sweet potato, blueberries, watermelon

Omg I ate a TON today. At least that's what it feels like. Actually I think I ate a good amount, but OD'ed on fruit because my stomach's all rumbly. I purposely ate a big lunch because I wanted to see if I could make it until dinner without eating. I made it! I NEED to be eating that much!

Today's workout: biked to the gym and swam for the first time in months! I think I only swam for 15 minutes but it felt so good.

Sleep last night = no bueno. Hoping for better sleep tonight...

Here is my tentative reintroduction:

Day 31. sugar (going to start with the natural stuff like honey)
Day 34. alcohol (probably wine or vodka)
Day 37. lentils (I'm going to try and soak these)
Day 40. beans (going to soak for at least 24 hrs and cook with kombu)
Day 43. soy/tofu
Day 46. corn (NOT fried chips)
Day 49. gf grains (brown rice, buckwheat, gluten-free oats)
Day 52. dairy (sheep/goat)
Day 55. gluten grains

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Day 23

M1: egg, spinach, bacon
M2: spinach salad with avocado, cucumber, goddess dressing, chicken curry, apple
M3: beef stew, roasted veggies

I didn't work out today. I was pretty sore from my run yesterday. It's going to be hot again the next few days so I'll probably either bike or lift at the gym. I may even try swimming since I need to start training for my october triathlon soon.

Sleep last night wasn't so great. I slept the first half of the night, then got up and couldn't go back to sleep. I wasn't as tired as I thought I would be today, but just a little moody.

Oh I also cheated today and tasted one kale chip, but it had all w30 compliant ingredients. I don't feel bad about that because I at least stopped myself from having more than a taste.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Day 22

M1: scallopped potatoes, roasted broccoli, egg
M2: roasted chicken drumstick, pan fried plantains, roasted vegetables, sauteed greens
M3: spinach salad with goddess dressing, cucumber, avocado, pecans and slow cooker beef stew (effin' delicious)

I slept sooo good last night. That would have to be the 2nd best night I've slept since w30 started... that is a little sad. But I'm so glad it happened. I needed it badly!

I was in a much better mood today, compared to the past couple of Monday's. The start of the week is just so blech for me, but I think we are settling into a better routine.  Thank goodness.

Tonight's workout was a 3mi run outside. I haven't ran outside in weeks because it's been too hot. But today felt great! I did realize though that I ate a little too much for dinner. So tomorrow I'll half the amount of beef stew I ate if I eat it with salad again. Thank you whole30, for helping me listen to my body!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Day 21

M1: sauteed spinach, egg, bacon
M2: salad with grape tomatoes, sunflower seeds, avocado, sweet potato, goddess dressing, tomato/almond butter cilantro curry with chicken
M3: spaghetti squash, turkey meatballs, roasted vegetables, nutritional yeast seasoning

I think I'm almost over my sore throat and had enough energy to work out today. Just a short run and lifted a little, and stretched. Ahh that felt so good. 

I bought MORE whole30 compliant bacon today and even found half a turkey breast! I'm excited to cook that. Today I also made slow cooker beef stew. And not traditional, but I added a lb of frozen spinach. It just looked so nutritional defunct without a little green. If that is one thing I have learned on whole30, is I try to include something green with every meal! I love it!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Day 20!

M1: scalloped potatoes, pork sausage patty, greens
M2: salad with grape tomatoes, sunflower seeds, avocado, sweet potato, goddess dressing
M2.5 almond butter, apple, almond slices
M3: sugar snap peas, chicken, potato salad, almonds, plantains

I did a ton of cooking today: fried plantains (I used coconut oil instead of butter), bacon (!), tomato chicken curry, sauteed greens, hot sauce (my fingers are on fire!), breakfast eggs... menu planning. This is how to party whole30 style on a Saturday night, haha.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Day 19

M1: chicken sausage, sauteed greens, roasted vegetables
M2: potato salad, sugar snap peas, almond butter, almonds
M3: salad with ranch dressing, grape tomatoes, and avocado, sweet potatoes with almond butter, almond slices

My almond butter obsession continues even on whole30... I'm about to run out  almond butter but I have plenty of almonds to make my own. I'm thinking I should not make any when I do run out. It's just too good and I'm eating too much of it. Good thing I can't eat chocolate. My favorite used to be almond butter and plenty of chocolate chips.

I started getting a sore throat last night and on auto-pilot, took a few homeopathic pallets, totally forgetting that they have a small amount of lactose. OH NO! I've decided not to start over though, because that was unintentional and I took it to heal myself. But today, I've been drinking a lot of Throat Coat tea, ginger tea, and apple cider vinegar. It's already starting to feel better! So yeah, no work out today. I think the sore throat was a message to myself..."You need to slow down!"

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Day 18

M1: prunes, pork sausage patty, scrambled eggs, sauteed kale 
salad with cilantro dressing, cucumber, tomato, sunflower seeds, sweet potato
M2.5: almond butter, almonds, potato salad
M3: spaghetti squash, roasted vegetables, chicken sausage, raspberries

Last night was horrid. I had a raging stomachache and could not sleep. After eating prunes in the morning, that helped a lot but I had a slight stomachache all day. But now it's finally gone. I think I just ate way too much last night. Ok, lesson learned!

No workout today since I was tired from not sleeping. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Day 17

M1: pork sausage patty, zucchini noodles, roasted vegetables
turkey meatballs and spaghetti sauce, spaghetti squash, sugar snap peas

M2.5: sweet potato, almond butter, almond slices, cashews, raspberries, deviled eggs, potato salad
salad with cilantro dressing, cucumber, tomato, sunflower seeds, pistachios

I learned a valuable lesson today. Eat more fat. I thought my lunch was filling, but around 4pm I was starving and ended up eating half of what I had planned for dinner. Then I ended up eating way more nuts and almond butter.

I also did a hilly bike ride today since the weather was slightly cooler than it was the past couple of days. It felt good to be outdoors, working out in the morning. I felt grateful for having a job that allows me to work from home and have flexibility.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Day 16

M1: egg, sauteed greens, steamed potato, pork sausage patty
turkey meatballs and spaghetti sauce, zucchini noodles, spaghetti squash, almond butter, almond butter slices, deviled egg
salad with cilantro dressing, cucumber, tomato, apple, pecans
M3.5: potato salad

I went to OrangeTheory today and it was HOT. I mean seriously, I went to OTF because I thought it would be a nice escape from the summer heat, but no, just as hot. I am not a fan of hot workouts. But I powered through and at one point wanted to throw up because I was pushing myself way too hard. I burned more than 600 calories, and came out of there, stupid, confused, and starving. I'm so glad I had potato salad ready.

Oh so the potato salad was made as a result of the deviled eggs. I made the eggs yesterday and was excited to try them today because I've always loved deviled eggs. I took a few bites during lunch and was grossed out. It was a sad moment. I'm glad I thought of using them to make potato salad. Because that salad gave me clarity after that crazy hard workout.  So now I have potato salad for the next few days! 

I also bought a plantain today. First time I've bought one and I am looking forward to frying it up in coconut oil or ghee. Must. find. recipe.

On a different note, life was stressful today and I found myself thinking about what I would've done had I not been on whole30. I would've probably eaten way too much almond butter and chocolate. Or waited for child-free time and drank some wine. In either case, I thought about, how in the past, I thought that eating or drinking would make me feel better, but only very temporary. And then I would feel a little guilty about overconsumption. So I am really thankful for the whole30 right now.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Day 15... halfway there!

M1: egg, sauteed greens, steamed potato, watermelon
M2: s
alad with cilantro dressing, cucumber, tomato, sunflower seeds, sweet potato, almond butter, almond slices
M3: zucchini noodles, turkey meatballs and spaghetti sauce, sugar snap peas

I made deviled eggs today and am looking forward to eating them tomorrow. This is the first time I've ever made deviled eggs and they were actually pretty easy.

I also thought of other foods I wanted to try making soon: potato salad and curry chicken salad. It's been so hot lately so all these salads sound refreshing.

I biked to the gym today and took a step class. I've been doing step for ten years I think. And it's a great class but for some reason lately, I have not been feeling it. I think I might need to do OrangeTheory again soon. I also miss running outside, but not in this heat!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Day 14

M1: egg, sauteed greens, steamed potato, watermelon
M2: sauteed chard, pan fried salmon, spaghetti squash, macadamia nuts

M2.5: almond butter, macadamia nuts, almonds, cashews
M3: salad with cilantro dressing, cucumber, tomato, sunflower seeds, watermelon

M3.5: pecans, olives

Today was another hot day and I didn't work out, save for splashing around in a pool. I did a whole lot of nothing really today except for relaxing and reading articles about health and the whole30. It felt great. Something that I read today (but now can't find the article) was about the importance of nutrition, sleep, and activity, in that order. I believe it was by Dallas Hartwig... in any case, the author wrote about feeding your body first and foremost foods for optimum health. Then you should strive for quality sleep every night. Then physical activity and recovery. I loved reading that. Because I feel like my priorities have been activity, nutrition, then sleep prior to the whole30. But now, it's nutrition, activity, then sleep. I know I need to recover more. And sleep more! I'm a little disappointed that I'm almost halfway in and can only count on one hand how many really awesome nights of sleep I've had since I started whole30. 

Ok so tonight... really going to try and sleep before 11pm.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Day 13

M1: egg, sauteed greens, steamed potato
M1.5: orange, almonds
M2: salad with cilantro dressing, cucumber, tomato, sunflower seeds, avocado, sweet potato, and pecans
M3: zucchini noodles and turkey meatballs, watermelon

Today was extremely hot. I don't know what the actual temperature was but I could feel heat radiating from the asphalt as I tried to ride my bike to a farmer's market this morning. I made it, but I was hungry. There were all sorts of food vendors and a mango smoothie sounded divine. But I stuck with an orange and a sample size portion of almonds. And tons of water. 

I really enjoyed M3 today. The turkey meatballs were delicious and even my toddler ate the zucchini noodles, but then after finishing her portion said she wasn't sure she liked them. But at least she ate them! 

Friday, August 14, 2015

Day 12 - Another PR!

M1: steamed potato, egg, sauteed greens, nutritional yeast seasoning
M2: salad with cilantro dressing, cucumber, tomato, sunflower seeds, sweet potato, almond butter, almond slices, cinnamon
M3: salad with cilantro dressing, cucumber, tomato, sunflower seeds, sauteed greens, salmon cake, pecans, a bite of steak (it looked delicious and the texture was great, but I realized today, I really am not a fan of steak)

No snacking today!

Well it's my 2nd weekend going into the whole30 and I am way less nervous than last weekend. I haven't planned what I'm going to eat yet but I have an idea, and I have food to prepare. I will be doing a lot of food prep tomorrow morning.

I made marinara sauce today in my slow cooker, and tomorrow, I will make slow cooker turkey meatballs. Super excited!!!

Today I was thankful for being on whole30. It was a challenging work afternoon and I could feel myself craving wine, chocolate, chips, anything non whole30 compliant! But then I quickly told myself, ain't happenin'! I do not want to start over. I'm almost halfway there! I got this!

I also thought about what I want to do after Day 30, as in the reintroduction phase.

Here is what I'm considering so far:
1. alcohol
2. beans/legumes
3. soy/tofu
4. corn
5. gf grains
6. dairy
7. gluten grains

I'm going to do a little bit more reading and research to see if I should change up the order of 2, 3, and 4. As for sugar... I'm still thinking about that one. I may do that one first.

Awesome workout today! I ran, squatted a little (my legs were still sore from yesterday), then deadlifted. Another PR day! 185lb deadlift PR!

As for sleep, I slept pretty good for about 6 hours, then woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. But I didn't feel sluggish today.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Day 11 - PR!

M1: sauteed greens, pork sausage patty, and roasted vegetables. wrapped the patty in an egg crepe, which was really egg cooked like an omelette without folding it over, but rather wrapping it around the patty. I was pleasantly surprised. I felt like I was eating a McDonald's sausage McMuffin.

M2: salad with cilantro dressing, sliced red onion, cucumber, tomatoes, sweet potato, almond butter, almond slices, cinnamon

M3: roasted lamb, sauteed greens, roasted vegetables, steamed golden potatoes, salad with cilantro dressing, cucumber, tomatoes.

I had to go into work today and they pre-ordered lunch. I got the Classic Salad from Panera and brought my own dressing. I used way more dressing than I normally do and bam! That filled me up all the way until dinner. I did have a small bite of watermelon though right before dinner. And one tiny baby bell pepper. But I couldn't believe how full I was. So I guess I really do need more fat.

I also enjoyed eating a really small salad with M3 today. That was something new.

Workout tonight... ran, then squats. PR'ed back squat, 135 lbs. Woot! I was super proud of myself. I used to think, how the hell can people squat for an hour? Really? And now I'm that person. I never thought I'd lift heavy, but am really glad I started. I've been a runner for years, and I'm not even that fast, but lifting heavy weights empowers me and makes me feel so strong. And it's improved my running!

Sleep sucked last night, but I'm hoping after tonight's workout, it'll be better.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Day 10

M1: sauteed greens, pork sausage patty, and roasted vegetables
M2: salad with avocado, shredded carrots, sunflower seeds, cilantro dressing, strawberries
M2.5: sweet potato, almond butter, almond slices, cinnamon
M3: roasted lamb, sauteed greens, roasted vegetables, steamed golden potatoes

Sadly, I didn't make time for a workout today but I did try to do some pull-ups. I'm hoping tomorrow I will have time in the afternoon for a quick workout, Friday I'm working out for sure. 

I'm thrilled that I'm a third of the way through whole30. 21 more days and I get to eat lentils! 

SLEEP: Best night ever! Although I did dream I ate pizza and had to start over.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Day 9

M1: sauteed greens, pork sausage patty, and roasted vegetables
M2: salad with avocado, shredded carrots, sunflower seeds, cilantro dressing, sweet potato, almond butter, almond slices, cinnamon
M3: roasted lamb, sauteed greens, steamed golden potatoes, watermelon
Workout: ran, then lifted
M3.5: watermelon, banana, and pecans

Today is the first day since I started w30 that I didn't consume eggs. I didn't miss them at all. I was glad that eating meat today didn't make me feel gross. I think I was eating too much meat in one meal. I actually weighed my lamb last night before I portioned it out for today's dinner, 2 oz didn't look like a lot, but I knew that it was plenty enough for me. I also like that I am not eating meat at every single meal. 

I liked my workout today. I feel like I have not really challenged myself lately and lifting heavy makes me feel strong and accomplished. Running fast or long distance does that for me too. I love biking, but the fact that I can stop pedaling but I'm still moving makes me think of it as not that challenging. 

I'm really curious to know what my weight is. I'm so used to weighing myself multiple times a week. I tried on a pair of jeans today and they were not as tight. My skin is clearing up a bit too. 

As for food cravings... I do crave chocolate once in awhile. But it's so simple to tell myself, sorry, you ain't having it. And then just be over it. Whereas before, I would just obsess over trying not to think about it, then most of the time, I'd give in. Then eat too much of it. So I am really liking this part of whole30!

SLEEP: Omg I finally got really awesome deep sleep last night. 

Monday, August 10, 2015

Day 8

M1: egg omelette with sauteed greens, pulled pork and roasted vegetables
M2: sauteed greens, roasted vegetables with almond butter, sliced almonds, and sweet potato
M2.5: watermelon
M3: salad with avocado, shredded carrots, sunflower seeds, cilantro dressing, watermelon
Workout: bike, then pull-ups at a park, bike back home

After dinner today, I felt sick of meat. I was trying to cook the lamb that I bought Saturday and it just smelled horrific. Then I was just really full from breakfast. And I thought about the texture of meat and just couldn't eat it for lunch. So I just slathered a huge amount of almond butter on my vegetables and it was actually really good.

Then later, I read up on vegetarian and vegan diets for powerlifters. Not that I'm a powerlifter but I would like to get stronger. And not that I'd be a vegan or vegetarian, I do like meat, but I also enjoy legumes/beans/soy. I do like gluten free grains and occasionally sheep/goat dairy. I'll have to see after this whole30.

Sleep was horrible last night. I got up in the middle of the night and couldn't go back to sleep. I thought about working. But I thought, that would just wake me up more. And it's kind of a waste of time, laying there, not sleeping right? Well, I know my body needs to rest. So I just laid there, trying not to think about anything that would get my mind going. I fell asleep eventually, but I was a little tired today. I finally got my first good nap in since w30 started! Drool on the pillow! That's when you know you got some quality z's. And in only 20 min.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Day 7

M1: egg omelette with sauteed greens, roast turkey and vegetables, apricot
M2: salad with cucumber, avocado, shredded carrots, pumpkin seeds, cilantro dressing, sweet potato, pecans
Workout: biked 4 miles, ran 2 miles, biked 4 miles
M2.5: strawberries, pecans, sweet potato
M3: cauli/broc mash with sauteed greens, salmon cake, and small salad with ranch dressing

I had a pretty productive day. I got to read a book, paint my nails, clean the house, completed a brick workout and did food prep. I also went to Costco and bought all protein! I should've taken a picture of my cart because a few months ago, my friends and familly wouldn't believe it. The almond butter and eggs, believable. But wild salmon, chicken sausage, and canned salmon! 

This week I'm excited about cooking the lamb steak I bought from Whole Foods yesterday. I think I may also need to try a non-egg breakfast. 

I also did a rough estimate of how much eating whole30 is costing me. I've priced it out to almost $8 a day, which comes out to $240 for the 30 days. That's a LOT. For one person. It's the meat that is the most expensive! And nuts actually. So yes, looking forward to eating lentils again...

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Day 6

M1: egg omelette with sauteed greens, roast turkey and vegetables, and an apple slice
M2: cauli/broc mash with sauteed greens, salmon cake
M2.5 grapefuit and nut mix (almonds, pecans, cashews)
M3: salad with cucumber, avocado, shredded carrots, pumpkin seeds, cilantro dressing, strawberries
M3.5: grapes, pineapple, blueberries, broccoli, sugar snap peas

Workout: I didn't have that much time to work out today so I just ran a mile, then did squats, then stretched A LOT. I'm still sore from last week, and it hurt so much to run, but then when I started running faster, I couldn't feel the pain as much. I thought that was weird.

Today was my first social event while on the whole30. It was a going away party for a friend and I ate my salad before the party, then had raw veggies/fruit at the party. I was really hoping for some protein, but there wasn't any whole30 compliant. What I did end up trying though was this carbonated water, and SO said "There's no sugar!" So I read the ingredients and sure enough it was just carbonated water and natural flavoring. I didn't even know though for sure if natural flavoring was allowed so I googled it real quick and sure enough, compliant! I then felt like it was SWYPO , because I felt like I was drinking a mocktail. And according to whole30, a mocktail isn't SWYPO, but to me, it totally is! How come they are ok with mocktails but not smoothies? I know smoothies aren't totally against the rules, but they do discourage it. And why is it ok to have a mocktail, but I can't smash together almond butter with dates and cocoa powder? I just thought that was interesting. And something that I will think about more. But no, I will not eat what I just described, even though I am so very tempted.

I was momentarily sad at the party about missing out on pizza and cake pops. Other than that, there wasn't anything else I was bummed about. I felt hungry when we left. We were headed to Trader Joe's and I thought about buying meat to eat, but then when we got to the store, I was so excited about buying vegetables, that the hunger went away.

Actually what I have been missing lately is beans and lentils. I think I am almost getting tired of eating meat and just how expensive it is to buy the good stuff. I did a lot of research this weekend on meat CSA's and the cheapest I found came out to $9 a lb for a mix of fowl/beef/pork/lamb. Which isn't too bad, but I went to Whole Foods today and was able to find even better prices on pastured, organic meat. I was super excited about that find today. I love food finds. Oh and another food find! Frozen brussel sprouts at Trader Joe's for $1.19 a lb. What, WHAT! It's not organic, but hey, I'll take it!

So back to missing beans and lentils. After my whole30 I am looking forward to incorporating these back into my diet, because I am fairly certain I don't have issues with it. I miss chana dahl and I miss beans in my salad.

Sleep: I slept a little better last night. I did take a small nap today.

This week I am looking forward to making zuchinni noodles again, but this time with meatballs and spaghetti sauce. Oh and today, my sister and I tried making Nom Nom Paleo's Magic Mushroom Powder ... expensive! An ounce of organic porcini mushrooms at Whole Foods was $8! So we only made a fourth of the recipe. I sprinkled it on my cauli/broc mash. It was ok, but not as good as it sounded.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Day 5

M1: egg omelette with sauteed greens, roasted vegetables and chicken
M2: salmon cakes with sauteed greens, cauliflower/broccoli mash (from whole30 book), strawberries
M3: salad with cucumber, avocado, cilantro dressing, grape tomatoes, pumpkin seeds. almond butter, macadamia nuts
Workout: biked to/from gym, took a cardio/weights class

So yesterday I noticed I was feeling a little bloated. I felt that today too. It feels like PMS bloating. But I read about it and I guess it is normal but not until a few days later.

Friday's I like to have treat dinners or at least some type of treat after my dinner. I realized that today, that is not happening, and am a little bummed, but it's not the end of the world. I managed to make it through today without a snack, but I did workout after M1. I was pretty hungry by dinner time. I confess, I did eat a bigger than normal sized serving of almond butter and macadamia nuts with M3. I was still hungry after eating that salad. Probably because I didn't have a snack!

Sleep: Last night I slept better but still probably only got about 4 hours of solid sleep. I'll take it! I woke up ready for the day.

As for the salmon cakes (whole 30 book), I really enjoyed these. They almost taste like crab cakes to me. The cauli/broc mash was just ok. I don't think I would enjoy them on their own, like I do mashed potatoes.

Ok another confession... I kinda cheated the other day and weighed myself. I forgot I had ended a dietbet and was curious how close I was to my goal, since I knew I wasn't going to make it.  But at least it was in the beginning of the my whole30 and I didn't think anything of it after, I PROMISE I won't do it again until next month! And no, I am not starting over... I would if I had slipped on food, but not for weighing myself. And no, I am not doing another dietbet this month.

But I'll mention a change I've seen. Or felt rather. When I eat too much sugar, I tend to get these little bumps on my neck. Well, they are clearing up! Yay!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Day 4

I saw someone do this in my whole30 FB support group so I thought I'd copy:

Meal 1: egg omelette with sauteed greens, roasted vegetables and chicken, strawberries
Meal 2: salad with cucumber, avocado, cilantro dressing, grape tomatoes, pumpkin seeds, and orange slices
Meal 2.5: peach, pecans (I tried so hard to not eat between meal 2 and 3, but I started shaking, that's even after I drank a ton of water)
Meal 3: tuna salad with lettuce, red bell peppers

I was super full after dinner. I think I ate way too much tuna. Lesson for next time... less tuna, more roughage.

So for the next few days, I will be away from my kitchen (sad face), so I prepped all of my meals. I was extremely proud of myself, with all my little containers, portioning out foods, and thinking about where I would be when I finally get to enjoy them.

A workout did not happen today. Oh well. I am bummed that I am STILL sore from the weightlifting that I did over a week ago. Definitely tomorrow, hardcore cardio and/or lifting needs to happen. I feel weak and soft, even though I know that isn't true. I think working out needs to happen every day until sometimes next week!

On my whole30 bucket list: I want to make my own ghee! Right now I have Purity Farms and it's OKAY, but if you haven't tried Ancient Organics, you are missing out on some serious crack. That stuff is crazy delicious. I have the option to buy it cheap through my co-op but I figured, I'm a DIY'er. I should try to make it! So tonight I bought organic pastured unsalted butter from Organic Valley. Sometime in the next month, I'll buy linen (as opposed to cheesecloth, from recommendation from a seasoned yogurt maker), and find the time to make my own ghee. I can't wait!

Update on sleep: unfortunately not a whole lot last night either. But today my energy level was even. No major crashes. One small 5-10 minute nap, although it wasn't deep sleep. Emotionally though, a bit difficult the first half of the day, then I felt better and now I no longer feel like I'm having a pity party. I told myself, life could be worse. I have my health, I have much to be thankful for.

Happy weekend eve!

PS. Did my SO seriously just offer me beer right now?!? I could kill him! Hmm wondering if kissing someone who just drank is whole30 compliant?

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Day 3

Breakfast: egg omelette with roast chicken and vegetables, sauteed greens, and half a banana
Lunch: tuna salad, red bell peppers, lettuce, and strawberries
Afternoon Snack: chia seeds with cashew milk, strawberries, cinnamon, sliced almonds
Dinner: salad with avocado, tomatoes, cucumber, sweet potato, pumpkin seeds, and whole30 compliant "ranch" dressing (from the whole30 book), strawberries, almonds

I realized after I ate my afternoon snack (sometimes referred to as chia seed pudding), that it could possibly be non-complaint. OMG. So I googled it. And read about what others had to say.

And here's what I think:
My version is whole30 compliant. "Pudding" to me is super smooth and has chocolate in it. And is super rich and decadent. I almost put almond butter. ALMOST. But I didn't. So I don't feel bad about having that. It had protein in it, and a small amount of fat. As I was making it, I asked myself if I would eat grilled fish and vegetables right now? Yes, I was that hungry.

And yes I ate a lot of strawberries today. We bought a lot yesterday and they are so good!

This week has been yuck, which could be affecting my sleep. I wake up in the middle of the night and it takes me forever to fall asleep. Hoping tonight will be better. Although I haven't napped at all this week, which is highly unusual for me.

Off to my workout... got caught up doing food prep so it's another quick bike ride outdoors.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Day 2

Today's food intake:
Breakfast: egg omelette, with sauteed greens, roast chicken and vegetables, and two small plums
Lunch: tuna salad on red bell pepper slices and grapes
Afternoon snack: almond butter with almond slices and cinnamon
Dinner: salad with grape tomatoes, sweet potato, and olive oil/umeboshi plum vinegar, and oranges
Post Workout: strawberries (really this was just a taste because we had just bought them from the farmer's market and they looked too delicious to pass up!)

Workout (after dinner): an hourish bike ride outdoors, more intense than yesterday

So I realize that I ate a lot of fruit today. I don't normally eat fruit at every meal. And I have to admit that the "snack" I had this afternoon may have been somewhat stress related. But I did limit myself to a small serving. In the past, I have been able to eat almost half a jar of almond butter in one sitting. It's just so good!

That afternoon snack is too hard to give up. However on the whole30, pre/post workout food is allowed so I guess I can think of my snacks as that. 

I am still really sore from a hard weighlifting session at the gym almost a week ago. Lesson learned: don't ever try to PR before a race. That was just stupid. But I do miss weights though. I've done cardio for the past 3 days and I'm getting a little bored. Maybe I'll try weights tomorrow.

Oh, one strength goal I am going to work on during my whole30 is pull-ups. Or chin-ups for girls. This morning I did 8, with really good form. It would be awesome if I could do 12 at the end of month. 

Monday, August 3, 2015

Day 1... survived!

Actually today wasn't as bad as I thought. What made it easier was that I had planned all my meals yesterday.
Breakfast: grapefruit, egg scramble with sauteed greens and pulled pork
Lunch: chicken, zuchini "noodles", and chicken broth with garlic and coconut aminos (like soy sauce, but whole30 compliant!)
Afternoon snack: peach
Dinner: salad with tomatoes, cucumber, alfalfa sprouts, steamed sweet potato, pumpkins seeds, olive oil/lemon dressing

Workout (after dinner): biked 45 minutes outdoors

Life has been a bit hectic and there have been too many times recently where I just felt so overwhelmed, that I wanted to just lay down and take a nap. I felt that only a few times today. Surprisingly I made it through today without a nap. Tomorrow though may be a different story.

I was really excited about my zucchini noodles. I used the veggeti, which I got from one of my mama swap co-ops. A couple of years ago, I got sick of zucchini because we just got too much in our CSA box. I tried to eat them raw, I tried to shred them for spaghetti sauce. So I learned I don't like raw zucchini. But cooked in a vegetable fritter with egg, or in a muffin, as long as the taste isn't overpowering. So I was surprised that I enjoyed the zucchini noodles. I think the broth was strong enough to mask the taste and I almost thought I was eating real noodles!

I hope to keep up the excitement of the whole30 by trying new recipes or ones I haven't had in awhile. Tomorrow, it's tuna salad for lunch!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Day 0

This morning I completed a duathlon: 1 mile run, 9 mile bike, 3.1 mile run. My run times were slightly better than last year but the bike was horrible because I had issues with my front tire. Oh well. I was extremely upset until I found out that I placed 3rd in my age group... I had actually placed 3rd in my age group last year but didn't stay for the awards ceremony. This year I did and it was so awesome - my first podium experience!

So one thing I learned today is that typically after a race like this, my body craves salt. So I drink a smoothie that I prepare the night before and add salt to it. Down it after I cross the finish line. Then I eat eggs with brown rice and salt. It's so delicious. But this year I was too lazy to walk back to the car to get my food, I only had my smoothie. I was still craving salt so badly. But surprisingly, that went away after I ate a few oranges. So I'm glad I learned that today.

I had a decent sized non whole30 compliant lunch, including all sorts of grains, sugar, and dairy. It was amazing. I was pretty full from that all day and had a salad for dinner, then I wanted chocolate since I knew I wouldn't be having it for 30 days. I ate a little with almond butter (my fave), and almost wanted to get an ice cream sandwich from the store, but I did not give into that craving.

But I'm so ready for tomorrow! I did all sorts of food prep and wrote out my meals for the next few days so I am good. I'm good! Bring it!

Friday, July 24, 2015

these days

Food Prep
i've been prepping for the whole30 by trying to incorporate more vegetables at every meal.

  • i sauteed a whole bag of kale in about 1 tbsp of ghee the other day and have been using that to add to my breakfast and other meal that isn't a salad. 
  • i've been steaming my sweet potatoes in batches, about 4-5 at a time. sometimes i freeze half of this.
  • i also roast two trays of vegetables at a time. then freeze half of this and use the rest for a few days. 

i haven't really been doing any complicated recipes. omelette for breakfast with sauteed vegetables, salad is a bunch of lettuce or spinach with raw vegetables, nuts or seeds, salad dressing, and maybe a steamed sweet potato. salad is either lunch or dinner. whatever meal isn't salad is more vegetables with a protein. i know, nothing too exciting, but it's easy and delicious.
protein lately has been chicken sausage, slow cooker pulled pork (made a few weeks ago, i've just been defrosting from the freezer), eggs, turkey patties and/or sausage, and once in awhile, tuna salad. i'm excited to try making salmon cakes!
i've been getting most of my fat from ghee, avocado oil, and coconut oil. ran out of avocados this week but i have some riping on the counter for next week.
i also eat fruit maybe 1-2x a day, and even then i try not to eat too much because the sugar from these make me feel bloated.

i work out 4-6x a week either running/biking/lifting or high intensity workout called OrangeTheory.

Not completely whole30, but mostly clean
i've been cutting myself some slack until august 3 by consuming moderate amounts of alcohol, almost daily chocolate, and occasionally some wheat and legumes, but rarely dairy. i am thoroughly enjoying my indulgences, but not going overboard or feeling any guilt because i know that overall, i feel pretty balanced.

Areas to work on
i need to work on getting more sleep and also stretching more after workouts.

My plan for post whole30
i don't think i have an issue with soy/legumes/beans/gluten-free grains, but after whole30, i plan to soak these for at least 24 hours before cooking. i also plan to consume these maybe less than 50% of the time.

What I've learned this week

  • i used to be anti prewashed/bagged because i've been burned by gross, slimy vegetables. however, if you check carefully and make plans to eat before the expiration date, they are a huge time saver! 
  • i'm a huge fan of cooking a big batch of protein and vegetables and freezing half of it for future meals. 
  • i'm pleasantly surprised at how i've gotten used to the taste of ghee with my morning eggs and sauteed vegetables

Thursday, July 23, 2015

whole30 on the horizon

coming up on august 3.
why august 3?
1. because it's the day after my duathlon.
2. i have no big events planned for next month.
3. that will put me at day 30 on sept 1, then i have 10 days after that for the re-introduction phase, which i think will be do-able. so end date is sept 11.
4. gives me enough time to tell people about it and recruit others to do it with me!
5. i have time to fine tune my goals.
6. i have time and energy to "clean out the unnecessary" in my life.

i'm pumped.