Monday, January 30, 2017

whole 30 5.0 recap

Technically I did not go the whole 30 days for this round. I'm ok with that and don't feel like a failure.

A few things I've learned this round:
1. I seriously need to eat more protein for lunch. Because when I don't, I want to snack before dinner, then that coincides with the mid afternoon work stress induced slump.

2. I eat way too many nuts on whole30 because I can't have sugar. It's a bad substitute. It is hard for me to eat nut mindfully. They are so small and crunchy and delicious.

3. I want sugar so bad because I know I can't have it =(

Overall, I think my future whole30's maybe do not need to be a whole 30 days. The purpose of this whole30 was to clean out the holiday junk and reset. I only lost a few pounds, which is great! But I was also really happy about the people that joined me for the first time.

For February, I want to focus on portions, mindfulness (again), and a bit of weight cutting. I had decided to no longer do a meet in March but I have my heart set on competing in June or July. I think I still want to compete at 97lbs. So I would like to do most of my training in sub 100. I'm a few lbs away from that.

Looking back, November 2016 was a great month for me. I was cutting, but I managed to enjoy a vacation and Thanksgiving and still make weight for my Dec. 3 meet. Yes, the last few days before the meet were a little nerve wracking and I was selective about what I ate. But it wasn't as painful as I thought and I didn't feel like I was doing anything unhealthy. I feel like not on whole30, I have good balance the majority of the time. I just enjoyed the holidays like everyone else and needed to clean up a little.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Day 9 - Nut free

M1: egg drop soup, banana
M2: butternut squash, green beans, turkey patty
M3: salad with sweet potatoes, brussel sprouts, and pork belly
wO: Bench and squat
I wasn't sure I was going to lift today. Normally when I do, I will eat carbs for breakfast but I didn't actually eat the banana until I was about to leave for the gym. The weights haven't been too hard but I bet in 2 weeks, I'm going to be hating life. So be it. It'll make me stronger!
I have been sleeping really well lately, I love it! But I've been feeling a little tired during the day. Hopefully that changes in a few days. I also am proud of myself for not eating a single nut today.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Day 8, A better week

This past weekend I ate way too many nuts. Way. Too. Many. So this week I am making an effort to cut them out. When I'm not on whole30, I hardly eat nuts because I usually have a small treat, like chocolate. I hardly eat fruit either when I'm not on whole30. And this past weekend I ate a lot of those too. Which isn't totally bad, but more than I felt comfortable eating. I felt like I was not eating the nuts and fruit consciously. Well maybe the first few times, but after that, mindless.

M1: Eggs, kale, potatoes
M2: salad, turkey patty, potatoes
M3: butternut squash, green beans, turkey patty

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Day 4, Tired

Today's workout was bench and arm accessories. I was STARVING when I got home after that workout and proceeded to eat chicken like a caveman.

M1: greens, roasted veggies, fried eggs, sweet potato
M1.5: chicken
M2: sprout kale salad with chicken, coconut flakes with almonds. Also oven fried potato wedges with ranch dressing
M3: caulirice, broccoli, salmon

I slept ok last night. Not as good as the night before but better than previous nights. Today I felt lethargic and impatient. Hoping tomorrow will be better. Well it should be because it's Friday!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Day 3 - Sleeeeeep

Today I deadlifted and did pause squats.
M1: greens, roasted veggies, fried eggs, sweet potato
M2: sprout kale salad with chicken and coconut flakes with almonds. I was really proud of myself for not getting a 2nd helping of the coconut flakes and almonds. I still felt hungry, so I ate another sweet potato
M3: (Yay I made it without snacking!) Turkey burger and salad.

Ok full disclosure. I knowingly slipped today. We received a HelloFresh box and the mayo had soybean oil and sugar, the cranberry jam had sugar, and the balsamic vinegar had sulfites. I'm pretty sure the cranberries used in the salad had sugar, but it was not listed on the label. That was pretty annoying actually, that not everything had ingredients labels. Anyway, I am not going to start over since I slipped. And here's why. It was very little, and salad dressing and mayonnaise are not trigger foods for me. You will not see me eating obscene amounts of these things, like I do with desserts and other healthy compliant things like almond butter and dates (which I am going to try and avoid on this whole30).

I did however, enjoy cooking this HelloFresh meal with my daughter. The full meal was supposed to be turkey burgers on a bun with the salad (also on the bun) but we didn't eat the bun, oh and I didn't add any of the panko bread crumbs to the burgers either. But I think HelloFresh is super expensive. The box itself was valued at $80 and it was for 2 meals of 4 servings each, which is a total of 8 servings. That is $10 a serving! I can get a meal at Chipotle that is whole30 compliant for less than that. So yeah, not doing HelloFresh anytime soon. I only did it because I had a free voucher.

Other than that, I did sleep really well last night. It was the longest I had slept without getting up, almost 6 hours. Then I woke up and went back to sleep for another hour I think. Yay!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Day 2 - Yay, rest day!

No workout today but yesterday I forgot to mention was arm day. So bench and arm accessories.
M1: greens, roasted veggies, fried eggs
M2: sprout kale salad with chicken
M2.5: coconut flakes and almonds
M3: salmon, caulirice, and broccoli

I was pretty hungry today around 3pm. I tried drinking water, I tried talking/texting, nope. Still hungry, so ate the coconut and almonds. So tomorrow, I have the same M2 portioned out, and will just have a little bit more of something else with that.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Day 1 start and upcoming meet

Ok so whole30 5.0 didn't happen yesterday but today I started.
Today also marks the official beginning of my training for my 3rd powerlifting meet!!! During this whole30, I am going to try and eat starchy veggies (carbs) on the days that I lift, so that'll be 4x a week.

M1: caulirice, butternut squash, kale, eggs
M2: chicken, potato wedges, green salad with ranch
M3: spaghetti squash noodles, spaghetti meat sauce, coconut butter

I rarely eat coconut butter, but today I was craving something sweet and needed something to complete my trifecta (I like to have at least 3 different things in one meal).

This whole30, my goals are:
1. Try to cook at least 1 new recipe per week.
2.  Experiment with bumping up my protein to see how that affects my training.