Friday, July 24, 2015

these days

Food Prep
i've been prepping for the whole30 by trying to incorporate more vegetables at every meal.

  • i sauteed a whole bag of kale in about 1 tbsp of ghee the other day and have been using that to add to my breakfast and other meal that isn't a salad. 
  • i've been steaming my sweet potatoes in batches, about 4-5 at a time. sometimes i freeze half of this.
  • i also roast two trays of vegetables at a time. then freeze half of this and use the rest for a few days. 

i haven't really been doing any complicated recipes. omelette for breakfast with sauteed vegetables, salad is a bunch of lettuce or spinach with raw vegetables, nuts or seeds, salad dressing, and maybe a steamed sweet potato. salad is either lunch or dinner. whatever meal isn't salad is more vegetables with a protein. i know, nothing too exciting, but it's easy and delicious.
protein lately has been chicken sausage, slow cooker pulled pork (made a few weeks ago, i've just been defrosting from the freezer), eggs, turkey patties and/or sausage, and once in awhile, tuna salad. i'm excited to try making salmon cakes!
i've been getting most of my fat from ghee, avocado oil, and coconut oil. ran out of avocados this week but i have some riping on the counter for next week.
i also eat fruit maybe 1-2x a day, and even then i try not to eat too much because the sugar from these make me feel bloated.

i work out 4-6x a week either running/biking/lifting or high intensity workout called OrangeTheory.

Not completely whole30, but mostly clean
i've been cutting myself some slack until august 3 by consuming moderate amounts of alcohol, almost daily chocolate, and occasionally some wheat and legumes, but rarely dairy. i am thoroughly enjoying my indulgences, but not going overboard or feeling any guilt because i know that overall, i feel pretty balanced.

Areas to work on
i need to work on getting more sleep and also stretching more after workouts.

My plan for post whole30
i don't think i have an issue with soy/legumes/beans/gluten-free grains, but after whole30, i plan to soak these for at least 24 hours before cooking. i also plan to consume these maybe less than 50% of the time.

What I've learned this week

  • i used to be anti prewashed/bagged because i've been burned by gross, slimy vegetables. however, if you check carefully and make plans to eat before the expiration date, they are a huge time saver! 
  • i'm a huge fan of cooking a big batch of protein and vegetables and freezing half of it for future meals. 
  • i'm pleasantly surprised at how i've gotten used to the taste of ghee with my morning eggs and sauteed vegetables

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