Monday, September 21, 2015

whole30, part II

I decided to try and do another whole30-ish starting today. I will be traveling this weekend and have a string of social events/parties coming up almost every weekend but I feel more confident about navigating through these situations and eating as best as I can. My goal is to eat whole30/Paleo as much as I can. But I am also going to enjoy my trip this weekend and may have a few drinks and sugar. Perhaps legumes/tofu. But I will try to avoid dairy and wheat.

My re-introduction phase went well for the most part until this weekend. On Saturday, I went out for a friend's birthday and there were drinks (at least mine was gluten free), and I enjoyed ice cream and wheat, by way of a freshly made popover. I couldn't pass that up! My sugar dragon has been out of control.

Yesterday I also had a hard apple cider and while that made me feel good for an hour, hours after that, I was feeling bloated and emotional. Yuck. And then today I felt like I woke up on the wrong side of everything. It was awful. I felt awful. So I am glad to make healthier choices this week.

I also made my own ghee for the first time. AMAZING.

Sunday, September 13, 2015


Day 40 (Sept. 11) - Beans. I soaked garbanzo beans for more than 24 hours and cooked them with a strip of kombu. I cooked them for almost 2 hours and they weren't as soft as I thought they would be. I think I felt ok after eating them but I may limit them.

This past weekend, I had a good amount of sugar, but ate mostly whole30/compliant. I have enjoyed eating at Whole Foods from their prepared foods section the past two weekends. I also enjoyed alcohol (gluten free!) this whole weekend. I did notice though that alcohol does make me look for more food to eat, and it's hard for me to eat in moderation while I'm drinking. Which doesn't make for a happy body the next day.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


I made chana dahl today after soaking the lentils for almost 24 hours. No reaction, yay!

Yesterday though I did have a good amount of sugar by way of "natural" soda (I only had a few sips, it was WAY too sweet) and these amazing vegan raw chocolate chip cookies with coconut creme filling by Peace Pies. It doesn't get any more delicious than that. I indulged and ate two. I know they are made with a ton of nuts and coconut, and probably agave nectar. But they were amazing. And so worth the splurge!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Day 34 (wine!) and Day 35

Yesterday was a good whole30 day. I took my daughter to a birthday party and brought my own food because I knew there would be pizza. I wasn't even tempted to eat non-compliant foods because I knew it wouldn't make me feel good anyway. It was also easier because I wasn't sitting anywhere near the food, which made it less tempting.

I also had a good mostly whole30 compliant today. I had some sausages that had evaporated cane syrup, but I'm ok with that. Oh and I also had some organic wine last night and that was ok too. There were no sulfites!

The other day I ran 4 miles outside. The weather is finally cooling down in the evening!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Day 32 and 33 and reintro with dates


Ate mostly whole30 except for:
1. a little bit of honey in the almond "blanket" of the pig in a blanket I made for my daughter's bday party
2. a small taste of soy ice cream (soy, sugar). OMG I just realized it was soy! Oh well. That wasn't in my intro plan to try until much later but that's ok. And it was so sweet! And not even that tasty!
3. all sorts of snacking at the bday party! and snacking after too...

I was very tempted to have some almond butter in the afternoon. But I didn't!!!

Mostly whole30 except:
1. Ate at Pieology, ordered the full chicken salad (who knows what was in the chicken, it looked plain grilled, but you never know), but did not eat it with cheese or dried cranberries. The dressing tasted sweet, as did the candied walnuts, but other than that. The salad was not filling.
2. I ate a lot of dates and Brazil nuts when I got home from lunch.

My stomach wasn't feeling to great after all the dates/nuts. I realize I have managed to overindulge every day since whole30 ended =(


Sept 2 - Day 31. sugar (going to start with the natural stuff like honey...  maybe some plain egg/banana pancakes with a bit of honey. my body doesn't totally like sweet in the morning so I will probably add something savory on the side like greens and a sausage patty)

Sept 5 - Day 34. alcohol (probably wine)

Sept 8 - Day 37. lentils (I'm going to try and soak these and make chana dahl)

Sept 11 - Day 40. beans (going to soak for at least 24 hrs and cook with kombu, then add to my green salad)

Sept 14 - Day 43. soy/tofu (will probably just eat this as a protein on the side)

Sept 17 - Day 46. corn (NOT fried chips, but maybe a corn tortilla with eggs in the morning and steamed corn on the cob)

Sept 20 - Day 49. gf grains (brown rice, buckwheat, gluten-free oats... will probably try a bowl of overnight soaked gluten free oats in the morning)

Sept 23 - Day 52. dairy (sheep/goat - a slice of goat cheese and maybe some goat/sheep yogurt)

Sept 27 - Day 55. gluten grains (maybe homemade spelt bread)

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Day 31 - Sugar

M1: pork sausage, sauteed chard, almond flour pancakes with maple syrup, grapefruit

M2: broccoli, carrots, zucchini noodles, tomato sauce, almond flour honey cake

M2.5: more almond flour honey cake, theo chocolate, pineapple, dried coconut, cashews

M3: salad with sesame ginger dressing (had honey), cucumber

What a learning experience today was. I felt complete out of it and had massive brain fog after eating all that cake. And it was sweetened with honey! So yeah, even natural sugars affect me.
Even after trying a small amount of maple syrup this morning (about a tsp), I felt it was so sweet that I had to eat a piece of avocado right after it.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Day 30 - The End?

M1: pork sausage patty, greens, egg, apple
M2: salad with cucumber, grape tomatoes, avocado, goddess dressing, pumpkin seeds, plantains, pulled pork, hot sauce
M3: roasted vegetables, turkey, sauteed chard

Today I realized I'm not a huge fan of sauteed chard. I prefer sauteed kale or spinach. I also can't believe I am done with whole30, and even though it's on my plan to try sugar/sweetener tomorrow, I am surprisingly not that thrilled about it. So that is weird, because I've always been a dessert person.
I also did not work out today. I forgot to take Natural Calm last night and slept ok. I also forgot to take it today, so I hope I get decent sleep tonight.

I am actually a little sad about being done with whole30. I loved the FB group I was part of... they were so supportive! But I am looking forward to Paleo-fying all sorts of stuff. And not being so strict about having a little bit of sweetener in sauces and dips.

Now onto the re-intro!