Sunday, August 2, 2015

Day 0

This morning I completed a duathlon: 1 mile run, 9 mile bike, 3.1 mile run. My run times were slightly better than last year but the bike was horrible because I had issues with my front tire. Oh well. I was extremely upset until I found out that I placed 3rd in my age group... I had actually placed 3rd in my age group last year but didn't stay for the awards ceremony. This year I did and it was so awesome - my first podium experience!

So one thing I learned today is that typically after a race like this, my body craves salt. So I drink a smoothie that I prepare the night before and add salt to it. Down it after I cross the finish line. Then I eat eggs with brown rice and salt. It's so delicious. But this year I was too lazy to walk back to the car to get my food, I only had my smoothie. I was still craving salt so badly. But surprisingly, that went away after I ate a few oranges. So I'm glad I learned that today.

I had a decent sized non whole30 compliant lunch, including all sorts of grains, sugar, and dairy. It was amazing. I was pretty full from that all day and had a salad for dinner, then I wanted chocolate since I knew I wouldn't be having it for 30 days. I ate a little with almond butter (my fave), and almost wanted to get an ice cream sandwich from the store, but I did not give into that craving.

But I'm so ready for tomorrow! I did all sorts of food prep and wrote out my meals for the next few days so I am good. I'm good! Bring it!

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