Thursday, August 6, 2015

Day 4

I saw someone do this in my whole30 FB support group so I thought I'd copy:

Meal 1: egg omelette with sauteed greens, roasted vegetables and chicken, strawberries
Meal 2: salad with cucumber, avocado, cilantro dressing, grape tomatoes, pumpkin seeds, and orange slices
Meal 2.5: peach, pecans (I tried so hard to not eat between meal 2 and 3, but I started shaking, that's even after I drank a ton of water)
Meal 3: tuna salad with lettuce, red bell peppers

I was super full after dinner. I think I ate way too much tuna. Lesson for next time... less tuna, more roughage.

So for the next few days, I will be away from my kitchen (sad face), so I prepped all of my meals. I was extremely proud of myself, with all my little containers, portioning out foods, and thinking about where I would be when I finally get to enjoy them.

A workout did not happen today. Oh well. I am bummed that I am STILL sore from the weightlifting that I did over a week ago. Definitely tomorrow, hardcore cardio and/or lifting needs to happen. I feel weak and soft, even though I know that isn't true. I think working out needs to happen every day until sometimes next week!

On my whole30 bucket list: I want to make my own ghee! Right now I have Purity Farms and it's OKAY, but if you haven't tried Ancient Organics, you are missing out on some serious crack. That stuff is crazy delicious. I have the option to buy it cheap through my co-op but I figured, I'm a DIY'er. I should try to make it! So tonight I bought organic pastured unsalted butter from Organic Valley. Sometime in the next month, I'll buy linen (as opposed to cheesecloth, from recommendation from a seasoned yogurt maker), and find the time to make my own ghee. I can't wait!

Update on sleep: unfortunately not a whole lot last night either. But today my energy level was even. No major crashes. One small 5-10 minute nap, although it wasn't deep sleep. Emotionally though, a bit difficult the first half of the day, then I felt better and now I no longer feel like I'm having a pity party. I told myself, life could be worse. I have my health, I have much to be thankful for.

Happy weekend eve!

PS. Did my SO seriously just offer me beer right now?!? I could kill him! Hmm wondering if kissing someone who just drank is whole30 compliant?

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