Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Day 16

M1: egg, sauteed greens, steamed potato, pork sausage patty
turkey meatballs and spaghetti sauce, zucchini noodles, spaghetti squash, almond butter, almond butter slices, deviled egg
salad with cilantro dressing, cucumber, tomato, apple, pecans
M3.5: potato salad

I went to OrangeTheory today and it was HOT. I mean seriously, I went to OTF because I thought it would be a nice escape from the summer heat, but no, just as hot. I am not a fan of hot workouts. But I powered through and at one point wanted to throw up because I was pushing myself way too hard. I burned more than 600 calories, and came out of there, stupid, confused, and starving. I'm so glad I had potato salad ready.

Oh so the potato salad was made as a result of the deviled eggs. I made the eggs yesterday and was excited to try them today because I've always loved deviled eggs. I took a few bites during lunch and was grossed out. It was a sad moment. I'm glad I thought of using them to make potato salad. Because that salad gave me clarity after that crazy hard workout.  So now I have potato salad for the next few days! 

I also bought a plantain today. First time I've bought one and I am looking forward to frying it up in coconut oil or ghee. Must. find. recipe.

On a different note, life was stressful today and I found myself thinking about what I would've done had I not been on whole30. I would've probably eaten way too much almond butter and chocolate. Or waited for child-free time and drank some wine. In either case, I thought about, how in the past, I thought that eating or drinking would make me feel better, but only very temporary. And then I would feel a little guilty about overconsumption. So I am really thankful for the whole30 right now.

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