Sunday, October 16, 2016

Day 28 and 29 - Falling off the wagon!

Well yesterday I wasn't able to blog, because it just wasn't high on the priority list. I can tell you that I pretty much ate whole30 until dinner when we went to a Pho restaurant. There is sugar in everything there! I did the best I could and ordered the shaken beef, which was the first time I had that. I ordered all salad, no rice. It was really good. It came with a dipping sauce (or maybe it was the "dressing" for my salad), that looked like watery fish sauce that they usually have for egg rolls, but someone else ordered a dish that had that same looking sauce, but with julienned carrots in it, so I'm thinking maybe mine was different? I dunked a few of my beef pieces in it and it was mildly sweet.

For my workout yesterday, I just went to my hip hop fitness class. My legs were still really sore. In fact, they are still a little sore today, but I am going to try and either squat or deadlift tomorrow. Heavy! Get it, get it!

More on falling off the wagon. Ok, confessions. I weighed myself this morning! I had a huge dinner last night and this morning, I came in 1.5lbs less than the last time I weighed myself (2 days before I started whole30). Also, I ate Paleo muffins today! Now just one, but 2.5! They were the applesauce sweetened muffins. OMG they were so good. And not that sweet. I almost ate 3.5. But I'm proud of myself for stopping at 2.5. The 1/2 was the first part I ate, I had split the first one with my daughter. Then you know, I wasn't sure if I liked it, so I ate another one. Then decided they needed to be baked longer, so I did that, then tasted one more. But I thoroughly enjoyed those 2.5 muffins.

Other than that, I ate whole30 meals today. Even though I went to a birthday party this morning! I only ate fruit there!

Tomorrow is my last day... will I eat the homemade goat milk ice cream in my freezer like there is no tomorrow? Stay tuned to find out!

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