Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Day 24 - 2nd attempt deadlift

M1 - sausage, scrambled eggs, greens, sweet potato, almonds, oranges
M2 - salad, boiled eggs, ranch dressing, carrots, beets, pumpkin seeds, plum
M3 - shredded coconut, walnuts, chestnuts, cashews, brisket, salad with ranch dressing, potatoes
WO - My legs were a little tired today and I thought about squatting, but during breakfast, I started feeling sick, like I wanted to throw up. I think I am getting sick of scrambled eggs. So then I didn't feel like squatting at all. I feel like that takes so much more focus and concentration than deadlifting. So I decided to deadlift.
Now I never really understood why my boyfriend checks and rotates the barbell before he uses them. They all look the same to me. But I found one at the gym I go to that I kinda like. I used it to bench the other day and decided to deadlift with it today. I warmed up then got ready to do my 1 set of 5 of 235 lbs (2nd attempt). I felt really good about it. I thought about keeping my arms loose while still gripping the bar. And yay! I did it!

Tonight after dinner, I wanted something sweet badly. I wanted a date. But I haven't allowed myself to eat any dates since starting whole30 except for those two lara bars I ate a few weeks ago. So I kept eating shredded coconut and nuts until I thought I was satisfied. That is one thing I hate doing. If I have a craving, I want to fulfill it. I have very specific food cravings. But if I can't have it, I will find all of these substitutes and eat until I think I'm done with it. Half the time, that works. But the other half, I just keep foraging and eating until I finally have what I wanted in the first place and should've just eaten that to begin with. So lesson learned. Sometimes I really should just eat it. And then stop. Drink a lot of water or tea or soda water and be done with it. And definitely leave the kitchen and brush my teeth!

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