Monday, October 3, 2016

Day 16 - Bench attempt!

M1 - tomato frittata with greens, apple
M2 - red curry chicken with greens, pot roast veggies (these were leftovers, no beef left), green beans, puerh tea with cashew milk, banana
M2.5 - chicken adobo, sweet potato, ghee, butternut squash
M3 - chicken adobo, salad with ranch dressing, carrots, cucumber, pumpkin seeds
WO - I did my first attempt at 5x5 bench, 87.5 lbs. I was able to get every single rep, except the very last one!!! OMG! SO CLOSE! I was so happy with my first attempt though. I tried to carb/caffeine up before this workout. That's the first time I really did that, and I like to think it helped so I will try this again for when I need to lift heavy again. Good thing I bought potatoes and sweet potatoes last weekend.

I also felt a little shakey and weak after my workout. I never thought benching was a whole body workout, but I am seriously using my whole entire body to push the weight up. I'm pressing hard with my arms and chest, I'm pushing hard against the ground with my legs and feet, but not lifting my butt off the bench. I can't believe how starving I was when I got home. I ate a ton of ghee with the sweet potato. I was so tempted to eat nuts today, especially with the banana. But I didn't.

I can't believe I am halfway through this whole30. I actually feel like today was the first day that I felt like myself for most of the day. I was in a pretty good mood and minimal ups/downs. I am wondering if the all the added sugar (even though most of it's "natural") really has that big of an effect on me. Or maybe it's the alcohol? But I definitely eat more desserts/treats that I consume alcohol. I need to figure out how to make most of my desserts from date sugar or dates. Or maybe when I get off my whole30, just try date-sweetened desserts for a few days before adding in natural stuff.

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