Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Day 17 - I need a do-over!

M1 - tomato egg frittata, baked potato wedges, tea/cashew milk
M2 - salad with avocado, cucumber, carrots, red curry chicken, apples, walnuts
M3 - egg drop soup with greens, cucumber. zucchini "cheese", almonds, oranges
WO - I was supposed to do a 1x5 of 255 deadlift but the past two times I attempted that, I was barely able to do 3. Then I realized that I had programmed the 5x5 app to increase by 10lbs on deadlift, when after 225, it's only supposed to increase by 5lbs. So I thought I'd try 235, which I've been able to do in the past. Well today I only got it up 4x. I was really bummed about that. I felt like the weight was heavy and I didn't have a good grip on the bar. Maybe I was also tired from sleeping late last night. Oh and I also went to the hip hop dance class, which was really fun.

Well today was the first time I made egg drop soup. It was delicious! I think what really makes it is the sesame oil. Once I added that, it tasted more authentic. I also made zucchini "cheese" because my daughter has been asking for cheese, and I wanted to attempt a Paleo version. So I made it, which was really easy, and I tasted it. Cheating, yes. Did I go to town on it? No. All the ingredients are whole30 compliant, but together, it is a cheese substitute. So bad on me. As you can see, I also ate nuts twice today. Probably not the best whole30 day.

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