Thursday, October 20, 2016

Chugging Along

This has been a pretty good week, in terms of stress management. I don't feel like I've over scheduled my life and I don't feel like things are chaotic. Saying no this week is really working for me =) For example, my daughter had a field trip today to a butterfly farm and I usually go on her field trips, but when I found out it was going to be 90 degrees, I decided that wasn't going to happen. I already know that hot weather makes me irritable so it's probably best for me to not be around a bunch of 6 yr olds.

I've been eating really well too. Yesterday we made Paleo breakfast biscuits that got extremely flat while baking and looked like cookies when they were finished. We had them this morning as breakfast sandwiches with egg, bacon, and spinach, and my daughter loved them. I thought they were ok. Not really the buttermilk biscuity flavor I was going for. But I know not to expect that since it is Paleo. But maybe next time I'll try blanched almond flour.

I also made this really delicious lemon thyme chicken yesterday. I need to post that recipe. One of these days!

Today's workout was my 1st 5x5 attempt of 162.5 squat. This is where I failed before I deloaded the first time on squat for this training round. The best I did before I deloaded on 162.5 last month was 5/5/3/3/2. And today I was able to get 5x5! Yay! When I was training for my first meet, the last 5x5 squat I got was 165. I feel like squats have been really hard for me this training round. I don't know if it's because I weigh about 5lbs less than I did before. Should that really make that much of a difference? I don't understand why my bench and deadlift are getting better though, but my squat is now, but progress on it wasn't what I expected. Oh well. I'll take the progress now! LEAN GAINS!

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