Friday, October 14, 2016

Day 27 - Best Friday ever!

M1 - Egg soup with kale. This was so lame. I mean seriously, how do you mess up egg drop soup? Here's how. You add the egg when the water isn't boiling. Then it scrambles. It doesn't get all wispy white like it should in egg drop soup. Lesson learned! But I have to say I was full from this. I ate 3 eggs!
M2 - tuna salad wraps, grapefruit
Preworkout - Sweet potato, coffee, collagen, cashew milk
Workout - Attempted 5x5 bench, 90 lbs. I was able to do 5/5/5/3/2. This was my first time attempting a 5x5 of 90 lbs. So exciting! Then AMRAP 65 lb bench, 14 reps.
M3 - caulirice, greens, fajita chicken, kombucha, soda water.
I say today was the Best Friday ever, meaning on whole30. Because I LOVE Fridays and I always like to have some sort of food treat. Well today, I ate a huge, delicious, satisfying, satieting dinner after my workout. Then I enjoyed my kombucha with soda water. It was something I was looking forward to and it made me happy to enjoy that with my daughter today. During dinner I was telling her about my workout and how I didn't nearly get 5x5 but she said I still did really great. She said, "Mommy can I call you Powerlifting Mommy?" I thought that was so cute.

Speaking of Powerlifting, I watched live streaming of my friend's powerlifting competition in Atlanta today. That was SUPER exciting to watch. I was really proud of her, and watching her, and all the other super strong girls really motivated me in my workout today. You're so awesome Vivyen!

That also made me excited about my upcoming meet, even though it's still 1.5 months away.

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