Monday, October 10, 2016

Day 23 - 5x5 bench

M1 - sweet potato, roasted veggies, kielbasa sausage
M2 - cabbage slaw, veggie salad, sushi (no rice), stir fried vegetables, mackeral, baked fish, honeydew melon
M3 - caulirice, brisket, asparagus, roasted veggies, apple, almonds, an oyster shooter with kombucha!!! This was amazing! Whole30 compliant? All the ingredients were, so I'm guessing yes =)
WO - 3rd attempt of 5x5 bench at 87.5 lbs. I did this in the morning, right after I dropped my daughter off to school. And yay! I did it! After that, I did an AMRAP 65lbs and completed 13. I was so done after that. I could barely move my arms, but it felt so good to have finally done 87.5 lbs.

I ate lunch at an all you can eat sushi restaurant today. I am pretty sure there was a little bit of sugar, MSG, and soy sauce in most of the things I ate. But like yesterday, I did the best that I could. I didn't feel like stressing about nitpicking what to eat. I was meeting with friends I hadn't seen in a long time. Had it been a restaurant with a menu, that probably woudld've been easier. But I really am trying to keep things low stress these days. I did try to squeeze as much sauce as possible out of the vegetables I was eating. I did try to ask if they made hand rolls. Other than that, I just ate. And enjoyed it!

Today was a really great day. Actually the past couple of days have been awesome, seeing friends I hadn't seen in a long time, people that I have known for years. While eating whole30 probably hasn't been ideal (since I resorted to cheating a few times), I haven't felt too deprived. Even at the restaurant I went to for lunch today, their dessert spread looked pretty awesome, but I told myself, I can always come back. But even when I left, I was really full. And that's all it felt like. Just full. I didn't feel overly gross. I didn't have a food coma later where I wanted to sleep. But I bet if I had eaten rice, and some of the questionable fried things I saw, and the desserts, I would've been sluggish and lethargic.

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