Sunday, October 9, 2016

Day 22 - Pack more food!

M1 - scrambled eggs, kielbasa sausage, kale
M2 - mashed potatoes, chicken adobo, kale, plum, fries =(
M3 - carnitas, lettuce, salsa, guacamole, two fruit leathers (before M3 actually)
WO - walking around SeaWorld all day

I spent most of today at SeaWorld. It was fun and exhausting and obviously I cheated twice today. I brought lunch to the park and thought it was enough food, but after finishing all the food I brought, I was still hungry and ate some of my daughter's leftover french fries. I didn't want to spend more money, and the other option was her burger with ketchup. Also before we left the park, I started getting really hungry (I didn't think we'd stay that late), and ate two of her fruit leathers from trick-or-treating. It contained only fruit and fruit juice, but still. So I know I didn't eat the best things today. Every night before my daughter goes to bed, we try to ask each other 3 questions, what made you happy, sad, and what did you learn. Well today I told her that I was a sad that I had to make those two food choices. And she said, that was ok, because I did the best I could and that the other option was I could've gotten sick from not eating at all. So that is true. And really insightful for my little 6 year old daughter to say. But next time I know, bring more food!

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