Friday, September 30, 2016

Day 13

M1 - Eggs, roasted veggies, greens
M2 - persimmons, salad, red curry chicken
M3 - red curry salmon, greens, caulirice, kombucha, a small bite of pork belly, izze
WO - 3rd successful attempt at 5x5 bench at 85lbs.

Fridays are my favorite days of the week because it's the start of the weekend. And I typically like to end my week with a treat of some kind. A bit difficult to do on whole30. Especially when the types of treats I'm looking for are either sweet, have chocolate or alcohol or all three of those things. During dinner tonight, I drank some kombucha and ate the fruit, feeling like an alcohol fiend. Because there is a teensy bit of alcohol in kombucha and the fruit. It was good, but not satisfying enough. So then I started cooking pork belly and drank an izze soda and that was great. And then I tasted a small piece of pork belly. It was fantastic! So now I feel a bit better about ending my week.

My bench workout felt better than the previous one. So now I need to decide if I want to do 85lbs for another workout or attempt 87.5. I think I also need to eat more carbs on my lifting days. I am so curious as to how much I weigh! Am I making lean gains still? Guess I'll find out in 17 days.

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