Saturday, September 17, 2016

Another whole30?!?

I'm going to start my 4th whole30 on Monday! I'm starting with our neighbor/friends and this is going to be their first, so I am really excited to support them and share my love for this awesome program. I also told my 6 year old daughter the other day that I was going to start one and why. I explained to her that it was a good way to reset your body and get back in touch with how certain foods make you feel so you can try to make more conscious food choices. I don't want her thinking I'm a chronic dieter. Most of the time, I do watch what I eat and how much I weigh.  She sees me weighing myself almost every day and I explained to her that I am trying to watch my weight because I have a competition coming up. But I've never used the word "fat" in front of her and talked bad about my body. I talk about the things my body can do, like run, and lift weights. When I try clothes on in front of her, instead of saying, "This makes me look fat", I'll say "I don't feel comfortable in this". I hope I am teaching her to have a positive body image.

So yes, I am planning on doing another powerlifting competition in December. I started the Stronglifts program on August 5. So I'm about 1.5 months in. My weight has fluctuated since then because of family in town, special occasions, etc. So that is another way reason why I'm looking forward to this whole30. I'm tired of eating all this sugar, and yet, it's hard to say no!

I didn't start SL from the beginning like I did when I started in March 2016. My squat hasn't improved much, in fact, I am slightly less than where I ended before my last competition. Right now I'm stuck at 162.5 lbs. I was able to complete a 5x5 of 165 before my last competition. For bench, I'm right where I left off, which was trying to get a 5x5 of 85lbs. I'm getting there though. I'm at a de-load week for both squat and bench right now.

Deadlift has been great though. I have not failed yet and yesterday I was able to do 1x5 of 245lbs. My 1RM is 250! So I don't know what's up with my squat. I'm sure I'll get there though.

My goal for the December competition is to pull a total of 530. My last competition I did 507. Ideally, 550 would be incredible, but I don't want to put that much pressure on myself and risk injury. I think most of that extra weight is going to come from my deadlift. I'd love to squat 180, bench 105, deadlift 260. So I've got 2.5 more months to train.

I'm going to try to post during my whole30 this time. I want to try and make more recipes this round. And eat less nuts/fruit.

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