Saturday, June 4, 2016

Runner/Triathlete turned... Powerlifter!

I’ve kind of been all over the place since I last posted. So I finished my 3rd whole30 and it was better than the 2nd in terms of my accountability. I don’t know how much weight I lost because I didn’t weigh myself. But I did become more aware of how certain foods affect me. My 3rd was fun because I got one of my best friends to do it with me. So I enjoyed teaching her about it and watching her learn more about her relationship with food and how she has become more mindful about her food choices. That was very rewarding for me. I love sharing knowledge about health!
I started the Stronglifts 5x5 training program on March 1. I was able to make great gains on theprogram. About halfway through May, I stopped the program and started working on maxing out to get ready for my competition, which was today. It felt good to put the 5x5 on hold. The program was tough and because of my running/triathlon/duathlon background, training for anything more than 8 weeks is mentally challenging. Plus the 5x5 trainings would take me sometimes over 2 hours to finish. Even after I cut out everything except for squat, bench, and deadlift.

Things I loved about the 5x5:
1.       There’s an awesome app. I loved being able to track and chart my progress. Very motivating!
2.       It made me stronger, physical and mentally. Before the program, my PR’s were 145 squat (Sept 2015), 85 bench (Nov 2015), 215 deadlift (September 2015). At the end of my 5x5, I was at 165 squat, 80 bench, and 215 deadlift. That is 5 sets of 5 reps.
3.       Aesthetic changes… ok so I do have more of a squat booty now, that’s pretty awesome. My abs are a little bit more defined and so are my arms. My bodyweight, I started at 107.5 (I weighed ten lbs less a year ago, but was not nearly as strong), and yesterday at my weigh in, I was 103.18. So I lost some weight. I wish I knew how much body fat I lost. I have a pair of jean shorts that is more snug in the thigh and butt, which I am a little bummed about, but at the expense of not being a weak little waif, I will take it!

Now as for my diet between my last whole30 and today… I have pretty much been keeping it clean and eating whole30, I would say maybe 85% of the time. Weekends, parties, special occasions, I may have a little non-compliant stuff, but I am usually pretty mindful about it, and typically savoring the experience. Going out to eat at restaurants, I don’t care about added sugars usually, or oils, table salt, whatever. But again, I keep things in check and if I have an off day, I just be sure I get back on track soon after. It has been a reasonable and balanced way for me to live.
Because I was trying to get into the 48kg/105.8 lb weight class, I did try to lose a little weight by cutting back on indulgences or working out more to compensate for said indulgences. For a minute, I considered cutting drastically to compete in the 97lb weight class, but decided it wasn’t worth trying to cut all that weight. This was my first meet, I didn’t know how much losing weight would affect my strength, so I played it safe.

As for today… my first powerlifting meet! I am feeling pretty awesome right now. I got 8/9 but still made my overall goal of pulling at least 500 lbs total. Here were my attempts:
Squat: 148.8lb/165.3/181.9 (missed that last one, it would’ve been a PR. Before today, my recent squat PR was 180)
Bench: 77.2/88.2/93.7 (PR)
Deadlift: 214.9/231.5/248 (PR)
Total weight: 507!

Since I was the only one in my weight class (48kg), I came in first, woot!

I had fun today… and I am super thankful that I’ve had the experience of doing races because I think it kind of gave me an idea of what to expect in terms of getting ready, packing food, and just being able to stay calm and focused to perform. Everyone I met today was awesome and supportive, just like the runners and triathletes I’ve met.
I’d love to do another meet, not just because it was fun, but I know I am capable of being stronger, and setting goals for myself and reaching those goals, well that’s my THING! I am super goal oriented and I love that I can use that leverage to better myself physically and mentally. I love that I am somehow juggling this active lifestyle of mine while working and raising a child. I’m not saying it’s easy, but it is indeed possible! I want to be an awesome role model for my daughter, to show her that women can be strong, and that hard work really does pay off. I want to show her the importance of being active and staying fit, but most of all, that self-care at any stage in your life is not only beneficial to your health, but also for the loved ones that you care for.

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