Sunday, February 21, 2016

Whole30, Round 3!

Today I am starting my 3rd whole30. My first one was awesome, the 2nd one, which I did last month was okay. I did not put into it as much as I did my first one. I didn't even weigh myself before or after because I don't have a scale that is convenient to use. I did learn a few things that I am going to incorporate for this whole30:
1. Get all my food that I plan to eat for a meal on the table one time. I don't have to finish all the food, but I am not going to get up for more. I was making this mistake during my last whole30 and would just continue to eat in the kitchen, not really knowing how much more I was eating. When everything is laid out in front of me, I get a better sense of what I'm eating and how much.

2. Drink more water! That afternoon stretch between lunch and dinner are so hard without snacking on something sweet. I plan to bump up my lunches with a little more fat and protein and drink more water to make it to dinner time.

3. Three is my magic number. Eating two things just doesn't cut it for me. I need to have three different things to eat. Eggs, greens, vegetables. Potato, greens, meat. Two is boring. Plus with two, I can't get in everything I *should* be eating.

4. Get more sleep. So this week, I did well and did not get on FB. I hope to avoid FB again this week. I won't say for the whole 30 days. But I am going to take it one week at a time. I do enjoy looking at the whole30 group page and recipes for inspiration. Maybe I will limit myself to that. Or just cut it out altogether.

5. More check-ins. As you can see, I did not blog at all during my last whole30. But I will this time!

There are a few reasons why I decided to do another whole30 so soon after my first. Well, the main reason is that the new few months I am going to be a little busy for work and I know I will be tempted to stress eat chocolate and drink. It is so much easier for me to say no if I'm on this program. Otherwise, it is an all out chocolate/drinking fest, which initially doesn't sound horrible, but I feel it the next few days. I'm irritable, can't sleep well, and am just mad at the world. So I'm not going to give myself an opportunity to go that route. I'm sure I will still be a little stressed and mad at the world, but I will just find other ways to soothe myself. And get back to my physical healthier self at the same time.  Also I considered weighing myself this morning, but after much though, decided not to. I don't own a scale and the most accurate one is at my gym, which is only 2 miles away, but it still takes effort to get myself there and then I'd have to do it again on Day 30. Plus I really did not need a scale to tell me that my skinny jeans are a little snug these days.

Today's meals:

M1: eggs, roasted cauliflower, kale, avocado, carrot sticks
M2: salad with chicken, cucumber, sweet potato, lime juice/olive oil, avocado, celery sticks with almond/cashew butter and raisins, roasted almonds
M3: Tom Kha soup, apple, almond butter
WO: 10 mile bike ride

I was starving and slightly shaky before M3. So tomorrow I will increase my protein or fat for lunch.

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